Alpharetta/Cumming (Closed Center)

Price: $1,095,000
Gross Revenue: When it was open, it had revenue of over $700,000
Cash Flow/Adjusted Profits: When it was open, it had profits of over $200,000
Real Estate: $1,700,000
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment: $100,000

This is a bank owned foreclosed childcare center. This center has 10,000 sq ft. It has a great location.

For this location, at this price, this is a good opportunity!

This center’s location is a superb location of a childcare center to make $700k in revenue… which will produce a very profitable center if bought at the $1.1 million price. For example, if the center’s revenue is only $700k, using industry standard costs, a new buyer’s profits would likely be about $200k which after paying the $75k mortgage payment, would allow the new owner to put $125k in her/his pockets.

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