Nationally, Childcare Brokers works with childcare centers, Montessori schools, preschools, and daycare centers; and specializing in:
Selling Childcare Centers – We know the childcare center industry and the business sales process. We have helped 100+ childcare center owners and buyers with the process of selling or buying a childcare center. If you are looking to sell, our consulting services could prove very valuable to you. Through using both our expertise in valuing your childcare center, and helping you through the process of selling your center; and our knowledge of ways to minimize taxes, we can often benefit a seller by over $100,000.
Buying Childcare Centers – We have helped both existing childcare center owners grow through acquisition, and individuals acquire childcare centers. We offer acquisition consulting services to existing childcare center owners and individuals. We can help prevent a buyer from overpaying for a center. Through using both our expertise in acquiring a childcare center, and our expertise in finding the right lender for a buyer we can often save a buyer over $100,000. Trough our knowledge of how to structure an acquisition so to reduce your taxes when you sell your center in later years, we can often save a buyer up to another $50,000 at the time that the buyer sells the center.
Valuing Childcare Centers & Exit Planning – Most existing childcare center owners don’t know how to value their center. If a childcare center owner is considering selling their center in the next five years, it is highly advantageous to start now with a market valuation so the owner can work on enhancing the value of the center before the sale. If the owner is not going to sell for another five years, there are tax strategies that reduce the seller’s taxes when the the sale happens in 5+ years. In our experience, proper preparation can often improve the market value of a childcare center by 20% or more.
Financing and Refinancing of Childcare Centers – Nationwide, we can help clients secure loans to refinance existing childcare center loans to get lower interest rates and more favorable loan terms, buy existing childcare centers, and to build new buildings and startup new childcare franchised locations. Since 1993, we have helped clients finance their businesses, so we bring a high level of financing expertise. We are a long-time member of the Georgia Lender’s Quality Circle – The industry association of SBA lenders in Georgia and surrounding states.
Virtual Chief Financial Officer (CFO) services to Childcare Centers – While most bookkeepers don’t know the industry they are providing bookkeeping services on, and therefore can’t offer good advice, we possess an arsenal of knowledge on the childcare industry. We know how financial reports can help a childcare center owner manage their childcare center more profitably. We use our childcare experience to help the owner understand how the financial decisions being made for their childcare center today will position them for future success. We believe that CPAs that specialize in taxes are best to prepare income tax returns because of ever changing tax regulations, therefore, we do not prepare income tax returns. However, we make tax planning recommendations for the center owner and their CPA to consider. We do this because by the time many CPAs are preparing the tax returns, the opportunity to “minimize taxes” is gone. We will work with a childcare center’s CPA and bookkeeper to make the center more profitable. We make childcare centers more valuable!
We have unmatched knowledge of the business aspects of childcare centers which allows us to provide superior levels of service not often found in brokerage firms selling childcare centers or financing schools. Through our skillful execution of fiduciary responsibility and market knowledge, our clients are provided with unequaled service and peace of mind.
The competitive advantages we afford to our clients stem from the following proven business practices:
- Our Advisory Valuation explains the opportunity to potential buyers can be used by sellers as marketing document.
- We possess a broad understanding of the business aspects of the childcare center industry enabling us knowledgeably identify and explain opportunities to potential buyers. Some of these opportunities for our client’s childcare center are opportunities that even our clients may not be aware of. Local brokers can’t match our level of knowledge on childcare centers.
- We have handled complex transactions have a very stong grasp of their business, tax and legal aspects.
- Since most buyers of childcare centers are local, we will also work with listing brokers who have listed a childcare center for sale, but have no idea about how to value a childcare center, and don’t understand the industry enough so as present the childcare opportunity effectively to potential buyers. We will provide valuation and consulting services to the seller and broker.
- We communicate and cooperate closely with our clients and their legal and financial advisors.
- We study each childcare center business carefully – to learn about the current business and opportunities for the future.
- We have an unrivaled knowledge of SBA loans to childcare centers. We know the details of every single SBA loan made to a childcare center since 1990. By using this information (on initial interest rates offered, terms of the loans, loan amounts, and location) we can select the best SBA lenders that love to lend to the childcare center industry. This allows transactions to happen when they are supposed to happen, and can save borrowers substantial amounts of money through lower interest rates.
- We provide higher level of knowledge on how to save money on taxes than all brokers who specialize in selling childcare centers. We talk your CPA’s language.
In both selling a childcare center, and in the buyer securing financing; proper packaging and presentation (to the buyer or to the lender) is critical. Our goal when helping clients in the selling to to provide valuations and loan request proposals that are comprehensive and understandable.
Many business and real estate brokers represent too many properties of a diverse nature to provide the focused expertise which our clients require and deserve.
Our website get page one rankings on Google, Yahoo and many more. We are ranked in the top ten on Google and Yahoo for keyword searches:
- Childcare Centers for Sale
- Childcare Center Businesses for Sale
- Childcare Businesses for Sale
- Daycare Centers for Sale
- Daycare Center Businesses for Sale
- Daycare Businesses for Sale
- Buying a Childcare Center
- Buying a Childcare Center Business
- Buying a Childcare Business – ranked 15
- Buying a Daycare Center
- Buying a Daycare Center Business
- Buying a Daycare Business
- Selling Childcare Centers
- Selling Childcare Center Business
- Selling Childcare Business
- Selling Daycare Centers
- Selling Daycare Center Business
- Selling Daycare Business
We understand and respect the intricacies of large complex operations, and the work load and attention to detail required. Effective communication and coordination is essential to ensure our clients are being looked after during every step of a transaction.
We provide fully-integrated advisory services to each of our clients. Our attention to the details is the hallmark of our success in selling our clients’ centers.
We understand your business, and we know how to position your business and market it to the best potential childcare center buyers.
Benefits of Selling your Business through Childcare Brokers
- Local Buyers – If your buyers are local buyers, they may not have ever bought a business before and are unsure about the process (as you are also unsure about the process). Through our consulting to help the seller through the process, we can make sure that if a sale transaction should happen, then it happens.
- National Buyers – If a buyer to your center is a national buyer, or a buyer who has bought many businesses in the past, you will need our expertise to level the field.
- Confidentiality – All of our client’s information is confidential.
- Tax advice – If your CPA is great with tax preparation, but has not provided you with tax planning advise on buying or selling a childcare center, we can suggest options to you so that your CPA can implement strategies to minimize your taxes.
- Advice – We provide more business and financial advice and transaction management assistance than normally offered by real estate brokers and other business brokers.
- We Add Value – We can assist our clients along every step of the business sale/acquisition process until the transaction is complete. We try to understand a client’s objectives, resources, and limits in a transaction and before recommending one. If a transaction is not in the client’s best interest, we will recommend against it.
- More Marketing Points of Contact – We can help our “For Sale By Owner” market their childcare in a confidential method using more ways than most brokers.
- Expertise – We offer a higher level of experience and expertise in the childcare industry and business sales than most real estate and business brokers. We have had a specialty in the childcare industry since 2002.
- More Choices for “Buyer” Clients – Our “Buyer” clients are not limited to a small number of active childcare center sellers located in the Atlanta area. Our connections and research will give “Buyer” clients access to a number of business owners who are interested in selling their childcare center businesses, but are not actively looking to sell. We can co-broker with most other business brokers to show you their “exclusive” listings.
- We Look Out for Our Clients – We represent our clients and look out for our client’s best interests – always. Because we are paid a hourly consulting fee, if a client should not do a business sale/acquisition transaction, then we will recommend against it. Avoiding the “wrong deal”, so that the client can later do the “right deal” is always best. Since most brokers are only paid a commission if a deal happens, you don’t get this with most brokers.
- Results for “Buyer Clients” – With an acquisition search for “Buyer” clients who request us to target acquisition candidates that are not formally “for sale”, we expect that 80% of these clients will successfully acquire a business within one year. These clients receive deals not available to others, get better acquisition candidates, and a stronger negotiating position. This is in contrast to Business Broker industry data, which indicates that 3% of potential buyers acquire a business within a year.
- Finding the best center for “Buyer” Clients to buy – We will work with “Buyer” clients to find a childcare center that meets their acquisition criteria. We understand that the childcare centers available for sale at the particular time a buyer contacts us will not necessary meet their objectives – and we will not try to sell a childcare center that does not meet that objective.
- Post-Acquisition Service for “Buyer” Clients – We provide “post-deal” acquisition integration. We can coordinate & oversee the many financial issues after our “Buyer” client has acquired a childcare center business. During the due diligence investigation, we understand the financial aspects of a business as well or better than many clients do.
We can provide Exit Planning & Valuations for Business Owners thinking of selling their childcare center. You get:
- An evaluation of how much the business would sell for now.
- Ways to get the most money from a childcare business sale – after taxes.
- What can be done to get your childcare center “in shape” to increase its value.
Strong LinkedIn Exposure: Jay Whitney is the owner of three LinkedIn groups:
- Childcare Centers, Preschools, Daycare Centers, Montessori schools – Owners & Entrepreneurs This 6,500+ member LinkedIn group is for the Owner/Entrepreneur of privately held Childcare Centers businesses interested in business opportunities/investments, improving efficiency & effectiveness of performance to improve financial results. Connect with subject matter experts.
- I Want to Buy a Business This 5,000+ member LinkedIn group is for business buyers & firms (CPA, attorney, CFP, Financial Planning) who have clients interested in confidentially selling businesses, but not listing them for sale. Successful acquisitions are usually of businesses that are not listed for sale, but the Business Owner wants to sell the business. This group is for all businesses, not just childcare, that are in North America.
- I Want to Sell My Business in 5 Years – Exit Planning This 5,900+ member LinkedIn group is for Business Owners to learn how to maximize selling prices; after tax values, and firms (financial, succession & exit planners; CPA, CFP, attorney, ESOP, valuation) to share information with Owners. Successful business sales often start with an exit planning process years before a sale occurs. This is the largest LinkedIn group on the topic of “Exit Planning”. This group is for all businesses, not just childcare.
Jay Whitney
- Georgia Child Care Association (GCCA) – member – Presented “How are Childcare Center Businesses Valued? & How to increase the Value of a Childcare Center?” at their annual conference for childcare center owners
- International Business Broker Association – IBBA University – Being a member of the International Business Broker Association since 1997, which is the educational association for Business Intermediaries, I have completed all of the course work applicable to the acquisition/sale of upper “Main Street” businesses as well as “Lower Middle Market” mergers & acquisitions. . . generally companies valued from $500,000 to over $20 million.
- M&A Source – member since 1997
- Carolina Virginia Business Brokers Association – Member since 2011 – Board of Directors: 2015 – 2017
- Georgia Association of Business Brokers – member 1994 to 2010
- Georgia Association of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) – former member
- Financial Planning Association of Georgia – former member – Presented “How are Businesses Valued? & How to increase the Value of a Business?
- Succession Planning Professional group – founding member – The group is for advisors who have clients who are considering leaving their business to their children. We address the many
- Commercial Finance Association – member
- Georgia Lenders Quality Circle – Southeast Small Business Lenders Association (for SBA Lenders)
- Business Broker Press’ Business Reference Guide – listed as an expert for Daycare Centers (This resource guide is for Business Brokers)
Business Development Solutions LLC is DBA Childcare Brokers. We started in business in 1993 and are one of the most experienced business broker firms in Georgia. We have helped clients buy and sell many types of businesses from manufacturing, wholesale, business services, medical/dental practices, larger construction companies, and assisted living centers.
Business Development Solutions
Jay Whitney
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Personal Summary
Entrepreneurial Childcare Center Business Sales & Acquisition expert, Financing expert, and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to Privately Owned Businesses
Being both analytical and creative, I often can recommend strategy and identify risks on key initiatives
Summary of Experiences
Advised hundreds of Business Owners on growing businesses organically or through acquisitions • Improved financial reporting and business matrixes • Helped 100+ with financing businesses • Made many businesses more profitable either through hand-on management or by advising clients • Recommended changes that have made many businesses more valuable • Provided trusted Chief Financial Officer (CFO) advise on strategies, and tactics • Advised buyers and sellers in over 200 childcare center sales/acquisition transactions • Currently work with many local and national business lenders • Helped several businesses turnaround.
Areas of Expertise
Financial/Strategic Planning & Analysis, Cash Flow Projections, Banking & Lending relationships, Improving Working Capital, Gross Margin Optimization, Improving Financial Reporting, Expense Reduction, Profit Improvement, Exit Strategies, Increasing the Value of Businesses and Business Valuations, Business Sales & Acquisitions.
- Georgia State University – MBA, Accounting & Marketing
- CPA exam – successfully passed
- Marietta College – Accounting BA 770-410-7582